June 21 in History

Historical Events on June 21

1734 In Montreal in New France, a slave known by the French name of Marie-Joseph Angélique is put to death, having been convicted of setting the fire that destroyed much of the city.
1824 Greek War of Independence: Egyptian forces capture Psara in the Aegean Sea.
1864 American Civil War: The Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road begins.
1915 The U.S. Supreme Court hands down its decision in Guinn v. United States 238 US 347 1915, striking down Oklahoma grandfather clause legislation which had the effect of denying the right to vote to blacks.
1942 World War II: Tobruk falls to Italian and German forces.
1964 Three civil rights workers, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Mickey Schwerner, are murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi, United States, by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
1989 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. Johnson that American flag-burning was a form of political protest protected by the First Amendment.
2006 Pluto's newly discovered moons are officially named Nix and Hydra.
2009 Greenland assumes self-rule.
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