While addressing a convention of Evangelicals, U.S. President Ronald Reagan labels the Soviet Union an "evil empire".

An evil empire is a speculative fiction trope in which a major antagonist of the story is a technologically advanced nation, typically ruled by an evil emperor or empress, that aims to control the world or conquer some specific group. They are opposed by a hero from more common origins who uses their guile or the help of an underground resistance to fight them. Well-known examples are the Galactic Empire in Star Wars, which forms upon the collapse of the more benevolent Galactic Republic and is opposed by Luke Skywalker, as well as the Galactic Empire in Dune, whose Emperor plots the downfall of House Atreides, and is opposed by Paul Atreides.The theme also often appears in video games. A recurring element of the Final Fantasy series is an evil empire as the primary antagonistic faction, starting with Final Fantasy II, which was itself inspired by Star Wars. It is a major aspect of the story of Final Fantasy VI in the form of the Gestahl Empire, proceeding onward to Final Fantasy XV, in which the empire of Niflheim conquers the kingdom of Lucis, forcing its heir, Noctis Lucis Caelum, to fight back and reclaim his homeland. In Mother 3, the protagonist Lucas has his home attacked by the villainous Pigmask Army, which seeks to turn animals into robotic Chimeras and brainwash the land's agrarian inhabitants via Happy Boxes.

The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) is an association of evangelical denominations, organizations, schools, churches and individuals, member of the World Evangelical Alliance. The association represents more than 45,000 local churches from nearly 40 different denominations and serves a constituency of millions. The mission of the NAE is to honor God by connecting and representing evangelicals in the United States.The NAE seeks to strengthen denominations and ministries – offering resources to inform and inspire evangelical leaders and facilitating collaboration among evangelical leaders and groups. The NAE also represents its membership's concerns to Congress, the White House and courts. The NAE Chaplains Commission endorses and supports chaplains in the military and other institutions. World Relief is the NAE's humanitarian arm.

While the NAE headquarters are in Washington, D.C., its staff and constituency live and work all throughout America. The association is currently led by NAE President Walter Kim.