Sahib ibn Abbad, Persian scholar and statesman (d. 995)

Abu’l-Qāsim Ismāʿīl ibn-i ʿAbbād ibn-i ʿAbbās (Persian: ابوالقاسم اسماعیل بن عباد بن عباس; born 938 - died 30 March 995), better known as Ṣāḥib ibn-i ʿAbbād (صاحب بن عباد), also known as Ṣāḥib (صاحب), was a Persian scholar and statesman, who served as the grand vizier of the Buyid rulers of Ray from 976 to 995.A native of the suburbs of Isfahan, he was greatly interested in Arab culture, and wrote on dogmatic theology, history, grammar, lexicography, scholarly criticism and wrote poetry and belles-lettres.