Yevgeniy Abalakov is the first man to reach the highest point in the Soviet Union, Communism Peak (now called Ismoil Somoni Peak and situated in Tajikistan) (7495 m).

Ismoil Somoni Peak (Tajik: , Qulla-i Ismil-i Smn/Qullaji Ismojili Somon; Persian: ; Russian: ) is the highest mountain in Tajikistan. Because it was within the territory of the former Russian Empire and the former Soviet Union, it was the highest mountain in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union before Tajikistan became independent. The mountain is named after Ismail Samani, a ruler of the Samanid dynasty. It is located in the Pamir Range.

Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich Abalakov (Russian: Евгений Михайлович Абалаков; 17 February [O.S. 4 February] 1907 – 23 March 1948) was a Soviet mountaineer and sculptor.

Abalakov was born in Yeniseysk. He is noted for making the first ascent of the highest point of the Soviet Union - Stalin Peak (later renamed Communism Peak and eventually Ismoil Somoni Peak, its current name) (7,495 m) on 3 September 1933 as a member of the 26th detachment of the Tajik-Pamir Sovnarkom expedition. At the beginning of the German-Soviet War Abalakov went to the front. In the spring of 1948 Abalakov died in Moscow, in obscure circumstances, while preparing for the ascent to the Victory Peak. His brother, Vitaly Abalakov, was also a famous mountaineer.