M. A. Ayyangar,印度律师和政治家,人民院第二任议长(卒于 1978 年)

Madabhushi Ananthasayanam Ayyangar(1891 年 2 月 4 日 - 1978 年 3 月 19 日)是印度议会的第一任副议长和后来的人民院议长。他也是比哈尔邦的州长。


他是数学老师,后来在 1915 年至 1950 年间成为一名律师。受圣雄甘地的启发,他积极参与印度自由斗争,两次入狱。

He was elected as member of Central Legislative Assembly in 1934. He was elected to the first Lok Sabha from Tirupathi and to the second Lok Sabha from Chittoor constituencies in 1952 and 1956 respectively.

He was elected in 1948 as Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha with Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar as the Speaker. After the death of Mavalankar in 1956, he was elected as Speaker of Lok Sabha.议会联席会议通过了 1961 年禁止嫁妆法,由 M. A. Ayyankar 担任议长。 1962 年至 1967 年间,他担任比哈尔邦省长。

这位著名政治家的真人大小的铜像于 2007 年在他的家乡蒂鲁帕蒂竖立起来。