卢克·拉文斯塔尔,美国政治家,匹兹堡第 58 任市长

卢克·罗伯特·拉文斯塔尔(Luke Robert Ravenstahl,1980 年 2 月 6 日出生)是一位美国政治家,曾于 2006 年至 2014 年担任匹兹堡第 59 任市长。他是一名民主党人,于 2006 年 9 月成为匹兹堡历史上最年轻的市长,年仅 26 岁。美国历史上一个主要城市最年轻的市长。Ravenstahl 毕业于北天主教高中,在华盛顿和杰斐逊学院毕业之前就读于匹兹堡大学。毕业四个月后,年仅 23 岁的他竞选匹兹堡市议会的一个席位。 He was elected and took office in January 2004 before being appointed City Council President in December 2005. After the death of Pittsburgh mayor Bob O'Connor, Ravenstahl became the mayor, per the city's charter, on September 1, 2006. He later won a special election in 2007, and a regular election in 2009. He did not seek reelection in the 2013 election and Democrat Bill Peduto was elected to succeed him as mayor.拉文斯塔尔的任期于 2014 年 1 月结束。