Art Phillips,加拿大商人和政治家,温哥华第 32 任市长(生于 1930 年)

Arthur Phillips (September 12, 1930 – March 29, 2013) served as the 32nd mayor of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 1973 to 1977. Prior to being elected to this post, he founded the Vancouver investment firm of Phillips, Hager & North . Phillips was instrumental in founding a reform-minded, centrist municipal-level political party, TEAM (The Electors' Action Movement), in 1968. Also in that year, he was elected as an alderman to Vancouver City Council.


Phillips was elected to the Parliament of Canada in 1979 as a Liberal, but was defeated the following year in his bid for re-election.菲利普斯失败后,他回到了他的投资公司的私人生活。到 2007 年,Phillips, Hager & North 已成为西海岸领先的投资公司,管理着超过 660 亿美元的资产。

他的妻子卡罗尔·泰勒(Carole Taylor)在 1980 年代担任温哥华市议员,然后担任加拿大广播公司主席。在 2005 年的不列颠哥伦比亚省选举中,她以自由党的身份赢得了不列颠哥伦比亚省立法议会的选举,随后被任命为戈登·坎贝尔内阁的财政部长。

在不列颠哥伦比亚大学(B.Com.,1953 年)就读本科期间,菲利普斯是 Phi Delta Theta 兄弟会不列颠哥伦比亚阿尔法分会的成员,并于 1950 年担任分会主席。