John Ffowcs Williams,威尔士工程师和学者

John "Shôn" Eirwyn Ffowcs Williams(1935-2020 年)是剑桥大学工程学名誉教授和剑桥伊曼纽尔学院前任硕士(1996-2002 年)。他最出名的可能是他对气动声学的贡献,特别是他在协和飞机上的工作。 Together with one of his students, David Hawkings, he introduced the far-field integration method in computational aeroacoustics based on Lighthill's acoustic analogy, known as the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings analogy.Ffowcs was elected as a member into the National Academy of Engineering in 1995对喷气噪声理论以及气动声学和流体动力学其他方面的贡献。