Gilles Grégoire,加拿大政治家,共同创立了 Parti Québécois(2006 年逝世)

Gilles Grégoire(1926 年 5 月 6 日 - 2006 年 11 月 22 日)是 Parti Québécois 的联合创始人。

Born in Quebec City, Quebec, the son of Joseph-Ernest Grégoire, he was elected in 1962 to the House of Commons of Canada with the Ralliement des créditistes. He left that party in 1966 and was elected president of the Ralliement national, a pro-sovereignty party on August 21, 1966.

1968 年 10 月,国民党与勒内·莱维斯克的 Mouvement Souveraineté-Association 合并,组成了魁北克党。

He was elected as a member of the National Assembly of Quebec in the riding of Frontenac in the 1976 general election and was re-elected in the 1981 general election. 1983年,他因性侵数名未成年少女而被判处两年减一天监禁,这导致他在余下的任期内成为独立人士。

他在魁北克市去世,享年 80 岁。