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Historical Events on July 27

  • Francis Xavier


    The Jesuit priest Francis Xavier's ship reaches Japan.

  • Battle of Ushant (1778)


    American Revolution: First Battle of Ushant: British and French fleets fight to a standoff.

  • Battle of Passchendaele


    The Allies reach the Yser Canal at the Battle of Passchendaele.

  • Insulin


    Researchers at the University of Toronto, led by biochemist Frederick Banting, prove that the hormone insulin regulates blood sugar.

  • First Battle of El Alamein


    World War II: Allied forces successfully halt the final Axis advance into Egypt.

  • Korean Armistice Agreement


    Cessation of hostilities is achieved in the Korean War when the United States, China, and North Korea sign an armistice agreement. Syngman Rhee, President of South Korea, refuses to sign but pledges to observe the armistice.

  • Vietnam War


    Vietnam War: Five thousand more American military advisers are sent to South Vietnam bringing the total number of United States forces in Vietnam to 21,000.

  • Richard Nixon


    Watergate scandal: The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee votes 27 to 11 to recommend the first article of impeachment (for obstruction of justice) against President Richard Nixon.

  • RMS Titanic


    RMS Titanic Inc. begins the first expedited salvage of wreckage of the RMS Titanic.