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Historical Events on July 30

  • Baltimore


    Founding of Baltimore, Maryland.

  • Saint Petersburg


    In Saint Petersburg, Bartolomeo Rastrelli presents the newly built Catherine Palace to Empress Elizabeth and her courtiers.

  • American Civil War


    American Civil War: Battle of the Crater: Union forces attempt to break Confederate lines at Petersburg, Virginia by exploding a large bomb under their trenches.

  • Staten Island Ferry


    The Staten Island Ferry Westfield's boiler explodes, killing over 85 people.

  • Montevideo


    In Montevideo, Uruguay wins the first FIFA World Cup.

  • World War II


    World War II: Japanese submarine I-58 sinks the USS Indianapolis, killing 883 seamen. Most die during the following four days, until an aircraft notices the survivors.

  • Lyndon B. Johnson


    U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Social Security Act of 1965 into law, establishing Medicare and Medicaid.

  • Vietnam War


    Vietnam War: US President Richard Nixon makes an unscheduled visit to South Vietnam and meets with President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu and U.S. military commanders.

  • Apollo program


    Apollo program: Apollo 15 Mission: David Scott and James Irwin on the Apollo Lunar Module Falcon land on the Moon with the first Lunar Rover.