Next Palm Sunday holiday is on

13th April 2025, Sunday

What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a Christian mobile holiday that falls on the Sunday before Easter Sunday. This feast commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical gospels.

According to the Episcopal, Catholic and Other Churches as well as the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, worship services on Palm Sunday include a procession of the faithful carrying palms, representing the palm branches thrown by the crowd who was dispersed before Jesus upon his entry into Jerusalem. The difficulty of procuring palms in unfavorable climates has led to their substitution with branches of native trees such as yew, willow, olive and boxwood. This Sunday is sometimes named according to these substitutes trees as in "Yew Sunday" or by the general term "Branch Sunday".

Palm Sunday also known as

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When is Palm Sunday?

How long until Palm Sunday?
Next Palm Sunday takes place in 260 Days.
Dates of Palm Sunday
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2029 Sunday25th Mar
2028 Sunday9th Apr
2027 Sunday21st Mar
2026 Sunday29th Mar
2025 Sunday13th Apr
2024 Sunday24th Mar
2023 Sunday2nd Apr
2022 Sunday10th Apr
2021 Sunday28th Mar
2020 Sunday5th Apr
2019 Sunday14th Apr
2018 Sunday25th Mar
2017 Sunday9th Apr
2016 Sunday20th Mar
2015 Sunday29th Mar
1 Day

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