Next Reformation Day holiday is on

31st October 2024, Thursday

What is Reformation Day?

Reformation Day

On the 31st of October of every year, Protestant Christians observe Reformation Day – a religious holiday that commemorates the onset of the Reformation.

Many speculations apropos the events that occurred on the 31st of October exist; for example, according to Philip Melanchthon, that day in 1517, German monk Martin Luther nailed his theses on the door of a church, specifically, the All Saints’ Church. This conjecture, however, was never confirmed; for there is no other source to substantiate the notion. Available information impart that the 31st of October was the day when the Archbishop of Mainz received the work of Martin Luther, which is now regarded as the inception of the Reformation, alongside Melanchthon’s surmise.

Reformation Day also celebrated in

When is Reformation Day?

How long until Reformation Day?
Next Reformation Day takes place in 96 Days.
Dates of Reformation Day
2030 Thursday31st Oct
2029 Wednesday31st Oct
2028 Tuesday31st Oct
2027 Sunday31st Oct
2026 Saturday31st Oct
2025 Friday31st Oct
2024 Thursday31st Oct
2023 Tuesday31st Oct
2022 Monday31st Oct
2021 Sunday31st Oct
2020 Saturday31st Oct
2019 Thursday31st Oct
2018 Wednesday31st Oct
2017 Tuesday31st Oct
2016 Monday31st Oct
2015 Saturday31st Oct
1 Day

Upcoming Christian Holidays