Next Valencian Community Day holiday is on

9th October 2024, Wednesday

What is Valencian Community Day?

Valencian Community Day

The 9th of October marks two distinctive celebrations in Valencia; the first being the Day of the Valencian Community, whilst the second is the Day of Saint Dionysius. Day of the Valencian Community is the prominent celebration on that day, and it commences right after the end of the International Festival of Pyrotechnics. The day is usually celebrated in Valencia and its neighboring towns and villages with various festivities, including communal meals, parties, and parades featuring people dressed in costumes, especially medieval costumes.

On the other hand, the Day of Saint Dionysius commemorates the patron saint of lovers who were given the soubriquet “The Areopagite”. There is a special tradition yclept Mocaorà associated with the day, where Valencian men give their beloved sweets made with marzipan wrapped in a silken scarf, or placed in a decorative box.

The Day of the Valencian Community is a holiday in Valencia only, where the populace takes the day off, and most organizations, businesses, and stores are closed. However, some bakeries and grocery stores may be open for business. Whereas public transports are usually running, though to a reduced timetable. There may be some impediments to traffic due to the parades, especially in the heart of towns and villages.

If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the authorities usually push it to a different day. In case of falling on a working day two days prior to, or subsequent to, a weekend holiday, many businesses and organizations usually take the in-between day off, as well.

Valencian Community Day also known as

When is Valencian Community Day?

How long until Valencian Community Day?
Next Valencian Community Day takes place in 74 Days.
Dates of Valencian Community Day
2030 Wednesday9th Oct
2029 Tuesday9th Oct
2028 Monday9th Oct
2027 Saturday9th Oct
2026 Friday9th Oct
2025 Thursday9th Oct
2024 Wednesday9th Oct
2023 Monday9th Oct
2022 Sunday9th Oct
2021 Saturday9th Oct
2020 Friday9th Oct
2019 Wednesday9th Oct
2018 Tuesday9th Oct
2017 Monday9th Oct
2016 Sunday9th Oct
2015 Friday9th Oct
1 Day

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