When is Fasching 2026?

Fasching 2026 is on Monday 16th Feb, 2026 (16/02/2026) in 488 days

What is Fasching?


Carnival is an annual festival that is celebrated in Western Christian and Greek Orthodox countries. It typically falls during the week prior to Lent, and it is usually observed outdoors with an assortment of festivities, including dancing, music, and processions.

The festival is celebrated differently according to each region, accompanied by a different name and duration. For instance, it is referred to as Fasnet in Swabia; Fasching in Bavaria and Austria; and Fosnat in Franconia.

Dates for Fasching from 2015 to 2030

The next occurrence of Fasching is marked in red

When is ...?WeekdayDateDays away
Fasching 2030MondayMar 4th in 1965 days
Fasching 2029MondayFeb 12th in 1580 days
Fasching 2028MondayFeb 28th in 1230 days
Fasching 2027MondayFeb 8th in 845 days
Fasching 2026MondayFeb 16th in 488 days
Fasching 2025MondayMar 3rd in 138 days
Fasching 2024MondayFeb 12th 246 days ago
Fasching 2023MondayFeb 20th 603 days ago
Fasching 2022MondayFeb 28th 960 days ago
Fasching 2021MondayFeb 15th 1338 days ago
Fasching 2020MondayFeb 24th 1695 days ago
Fasching 2019MondayMar 4th 2052 days ago
Fasching 2018MondayFeb 12th 2437 days ago
Fasching 2017MondayFeb 27th 2787 days ago
Fasching 2016MondayFeb 8th 3172 days ago
Fasching 2015MondayFeb 16th 3529 days ago
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Fasching also known as

Quick Facts

Start DateFeb 16, 2026
When? Starts in 488 days
Duration1 Day
Type Germany Holidays

Upcoming Germany Holidays