When is Memorial Day in the United States 2030?

Memorial Day in the United States 2030 is on Monday 27th May, 2030 (27/05/2030) in 1957 days

What is Memorial Day in the United States?

Memorial Day in the United States

The United States has a federal holiday yclept Memorial Day, which is dedicated to honoring those who died whilst serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. Formerly, the day was observed on the 30th of May until 1970. However, nowadays, the day is habitually commemorated annually on the last Monday of May.

Memorial Day unofficially marks the outset of the summer vacation season in the United States, whilst Labor Day is considered as the end of it. Likewise, in Canada, Victoria Day denotes the start of summer, however, it falls one week prior to Memorial Day.

Dates for Memorial Day in the United States from 2015 to 2030

The next occurrence of Memorial Day in the United States is marked in red

When is ...?WeekdayDateDays away
Memorial Day in the United States 2030MondayMay 27th in 1957 days
Memorial Day in the United States 2029MondayMay 28th in 1593 days
Memorial Day in the United States 2028MondayMay 29th in 1229 days
Memorial Day in the United States 2027MondayMay 31st in 865 days
Memorial Day in the United States 2026MondayMay 25th in 494 days
Memorial Day in the United States 2025MondayMay 26th in 130 days
Memorial Day in the United States 2024MondayMay 27th 233 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2023MondayMay 29th 597 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2022MondayMay 30th 961 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2021MondayMay 31st 1325 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2020MondayMay 25th 1696 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2019MondayMay 27th 2060 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2018MondayMay 28th 2424 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2017MondayMay 29th 2788 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2016MondayMay 30th 3152 days ago
Memorial Day in the United States 2015MondayMay 25th 3523 days ago
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Memorial Day in the United States also known as

Quick Facts

Start DateMay 27, 2030
When? Starts in 1957 days
Duration1 Day
Type United States Holidays

Upcoming United States Holidays